Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A visitor

This afternoon as my husband was washing the cars he had a little visitor. He showed up out of nowhere. I have never seen a bird like this one before. He seemed to be looking for someone. He kept running around and squacking like he was calling for his family. This little guy was not afraid of me or my husband. I was able to take some close up pictures of him before he went through the field and into the woods out in back. I hope he will be ok. I looked in my bird book and couldn't find any bird that looked like this one. If you know what kind of bird he is please let me know. Happy Birding! Anne

Update: This bird is a Chukar Partridge. These birds are from Asia. The thought is that he was raised on a game farm and escaped or was dropped off. Because he wasn't a native of this area, I did not find him in my field guide. I am grateful he decided to visit me. He is a beautiful bird.

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