Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Indigo Buntings and other birds

Today I finally was able to get some pretty good pics of the Indigo Bunting. I have been trying for over a week and finally I found a new spot where I could get a good view and snap some photos. Too bad he had his back to me most of the time and when he didn't there were a couple of branches in the way but at least you can see his coloring. I also got a surprise when I put the pics on my computer. I have a picture of what looks to be a Chestnut-sided Warbler. What do you think?

I sat in my field for about an hour yesterday and got a few shots of an American Goldfinch and what looks to me to be a Song Sparrow. I am also posting a pic of a catbird who was sitting in the dead tree in my yard. Seems many types of birds like that old tree. I hope you enjoy the pics and any feedback is welcome. I am so new at bird watching but I am finding it addicting. It seems I am always looking up and listening for songs. Have a great Day! Anne


  1. Hi Anne,

    That looks like an indigo bunting in the last four frames. Nice!

  2. You are right and I changed the post. I am so new to this but it sure is fun. Thank you for the correction.
