Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A visitor

This afternoon as my husband was washing the cars he had a little visitor. He showed up out of nowhere. I have never seen a bird like this one before. He seemed to be looking for someone. He kept running around and squacking like he was calling for his family. This little guy was not afraid of me or my husband. I was able to take some close up pictures of him before he went through the field and into the woods out in back. I hope he will be ok. I looked in my bird book and couldn't find any bird that looked like this one. If you know what kind of bird he is please let me know. Happy Birding! Anne

Update: This bird is a Chukar Partridge. These birds are from Asia. The thought is that he was raised on a game farm and escaped or was dropped off. Because he wasn't a native of this area, I did not find him in my field guide. I am grateful he decided to visit me. He is a beautiful bird.

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Red Bird

Well, as you can probably see I am very new to bird watching. This morning there was a lot of activity out at my feeder. The goldfinches were very busy gabbing away. It reminded me of when I was a little girl and my relatives would speak Italian to each other when they didn't want me to know what they were talking about. They spoke so fast just like this group of goldfinches today. I tried my hardest to get some pics but they are very quick. I got a couple of shots but nothing to write home about.

As I was out there I saw a few reddish birds. I had no idea what they were so I went out to take pics. They are very shy but I did get a few shots. If anyone knows what they are would you please let me know. I looked in my bird book and I think they are purple finches. I have not seen them before. It would make sense seeing that the goldfinches were here today. I was so happy to have another pleasant bird watching morning. Isn't is wonderful how God decorates our world with colorful birds.

Blessings Anne

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Spring Birds

The birds have finally found the feeder and I have been enjoying watching and listening to their songs. I never really cared about which song went with which bird before but I am so glad I know now because I can tell if there is a new bird by how the bird sings. Here are some pictures I have been taking the past month. I hope you like them.

nuthatch, grackles, chickadee, red winged blackbird, mourning doves,juncos

A new voice

With the nice weather yesterday, the windows in my house were open wide. I heard the birds singing and there seemed to be a new voice. This voice was a bit harsh and sounded angry. I followed the sound of this voice and found a bird I had not seen before. I looked him up in my book and found out he is a gray kingbird. Seems they live near the ocean so I am not sure how he got up here to the mountains. Maybe that is why he sounds so angry. Here are some pictures of him. Enjoy!
Update: I was mistaken. This bird is an eastern phoebe. Thank you for the correction Pam. I love being in a bird watching group. As a newbee to bird watching , being in a group helps me learn. The phoebe was back again this morning. He must have laryngitis. Have a lovely day!