Sunday, March 1, 2009

Some photos to share

I almost forgot I had this blog set up. Two days after I set it up my husband had a major heart attack and I have been busy taking care of him and spending as much time with him as I can. He will be having bypass surgery March 5th.

I am still taking pictures though and have a few new ones to post. I am hoping the birds start coming to the feeder regularly. So far it is hit and miss but I did see a Tufted Titmouse and got some cute shots and the other day there was a beautiful blue jay. I also have some pics of a Hairy woodpecker and a White-breasted Nuthatch. I am planning on being a bit more consisitent with my posting here while my husband recovers from his operation. With spring coming I should have more photo opportunities. For now, I hope you enjoy what I have for pics.

The Bohemian Waxwings came in flocks of anywhere from 50 to up to almost 200 for a month. The last week they came everyday. The tree is now empty of apples. This year they started coming in January unlike last year when they only came for a week starting February 26th. This year they finished off the apples about a week earlier then in 2008. Does that mean we will have an early Spring. Who knows but it sure would be nice. Have a great Day! Anne

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