Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Redpolls and Cedar Waxwings

Saturday morning I noticed some cedar waxwings in the apple tree. Their color was much more vibrant than I have seen before.

For two years I had very large flocks of Bohemian Waxwings but last winter and so far this winter I have not seen even one.

I guess they are being replaced by Common Redpolls this year. This is the first year I have ever seen a Common Redpoll. First there were three in the pear tree this past Saturday and today, Wednesday, I am seeing so many I can't count but if I had to guess, I would say close to a hundred. They are at the feeders, in the trees, in the lilac bush, on the side of the road. They go through an eating frenzy and then go away for awhile, returning to go through the frenzy again. We are having a major snow storm today and there seem to be more redpolls than on previous days. On past days I have noticed they only eat from the feeder with the shelled sunflower seeds but today they are eating from all of the feeders, including the thistle feeder and the suet feeder. I guess they need more food to get through the cold and stormy weather.
I tried to upload a video here but it never uploaded.

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