Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Another visit from the Indigo Bunting

As I was getting ready for lunch, I heard the familiar sound of the Indigo Bunting. I looked up in the tree and sure enough he was there. I went up to my new spot to watch him and took a few more shots and a video. He has a beautiful song and I thought I would share it with you.

In the background you can here another bird song that sounds like a whip lashing. I do not know what kind of bird this is and have not been able to find the bird that goes with the song. If you have any ideas as to what kind of bird that is please share. Thank you Anne

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Indigo Buntings and other birds

Today I finally was able to get some pretty good pics of the Indigo Bunting. I have been trying for over a week and finally I found a new spot where I could get a good view and snap some photos. Too bad he had his back to me most of the time and when he didn't there were a couple of branches in the way but at least you can see his coloring. I also got a surprise when I put the pics on my computer. I have a picture of what looks to be a Chestnut-sided Warbler. What do you think?

I sat in my field for about an hour yesterday and got a few shots of an American Goldfinch and what looks to me to be a Song Sparrow. I am also posting a pic of a catbird who was sitting in the dead tree in my yard. Seems many types of birds like that old tree. I hope you enjoy the pics and any feedback is welcome. I am so new at bird watching but I am finding it addicting. It seems I am always looking up and listening for songs. Have a great Day! Anne