Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bohemians, 1 Cedar and 1 Robin in the Bunch

I so enjoyed watching and listening to the Bohemian Waxwings again this year. I tried to get outside each time they showed up. Sometimes I would take pictures and others I would just go and watch them and listen to them. Usually I would hear them before I would see them. They seemed to come in smaller groups of about 30 or 50 or even more. By the time all the groups were at the tree there were sometimes close to 200. I was amazed. There was usually one robin in the mix. I was pretty shocked to see a robin in the middle of winter. One day there was one cedar waxwing.
The Bohemians and the Cedars are both waxwings but look so different. The Cedar with his yellow and white underbellie and tail really stood out amongst all those Bohemians with their silvery bellies and bright red under their tails. I have a few pictures to share and a video I took of the waxwiongs one cold afternoon. It was very windy that day and there are parts of the video where the wind is a bit noisy. Sorry about that. I was able to finally video them eating at the apple tree so be patient and you will see how they go to the tree in small groups. Please understand that although I love bird watching I am very afraid of birds and for me to stand out there with probably over 100 birds is a miracle in itself.
The Bohemian Waxwings have been gone now for over a week. I hope they come back next year. I will probably see some Cedar Waxwings this summer when the berries are blooming. There was a small flock here last summer. Happy birding!

Some photos to share

I almost forgot I had this blog set up. Two days after I set it up my husband had a major heart attack and I have been busy taking care of him and spending as much time with him as I can. He will be having bypass surgery March 5th.

I am still taking pictures though and have a few new ones to post. I am hoping the birds start coming to the feeder regularly. So far it is hit and miss but I did see a Tufted Titmouse and got some cute shots and the other day there was a beautiful blue jay. I also have some pics of a Hairy woodpecker and a White-breasted Nuthatch. I am planning on being a bit more consisitent with my posting here while my husband recovers from his operation. With spring coming I should have more photo opportunities. For now, I hope you enjoy what I have for pics.

The Bohemian Waxwings came in flocks of anywhere from 50 to up to almost 200 for a month. The last week they came everyday. The tree is now empty of apples. This year they started coming in January unlike last year when they only came for a week starting February 26th. This year they finished off the apples about a week earlier then in 2008. Does that mean we will have an early Spring. Who knows but it sure would be nice. Have a great Day! Anne