Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Conquered the Squirrel Problem

I have been having so many probelms with the squirrels eating my bird feed and tried many things to deter them. Nothing worked until just recently when I took an idea a friend had and modified it to suit my purposes. I have taken empty, 2 liter soda bottles and cut the tops and bottoms off and placed them over the hook and then down the post of my crook that I hang the feeder on. I went almost all the way up the post and so far it is working. The squirrels have tried to jump on but fall off. I am hoping they don't figure out a way to get up these bottles. I feel very happy that I am not going through anyway near the amount of seed I was when the squirrels were getting to the feeder. They still can get what is dropped by the birds and there is plenty of acorns and fruit on the ground from my trees so they will be just fine without my bird seed. I know it looks funny but I don't care as long as it works. You are welcome to take my idea and try it. Good Luck!!!!