Friday, October 30, 2009


Today was a day at home for me and as always I try to get things done that have been put on hold the rest of the week while I work. It was kind of a crisp and oversast day and I didn't really want to go outside much. My husband came home for lunch and asked if I had noticed all the crows out on the bcak field. I went to look and just as I looked out the window something blue flew by very quickly. I thought maybe it was the indigo bunting but I quickly forgot about it as I saw about 50 to 60 crows in my back field. My husband said he had never seen so many crows together before accept on the movie"The Birds" and I thought how appropriate for the day before Halloween.
I called the Audubon Society and was told this is very normal for this time of year. The crows get together in groups and roost together in the trees. It is like a safety in numbers thing. I told her about the blue bird I saw and how I thought it might be the indigo bunting and she thought maybe it was on it's way somewhere.
Later in the afternoon as i was sitting in my livingroom, I noticed 2 small birds sitting on the wire outside. I got up to look and was so happy to see 2 Eastern Bluebirds. This is only the second time in my life I have seen Bluebirds and actually it was about the same time of year the last time. I of course went for my camera and found them out on the old dead tree that so many birds seem to enjoy sitting in. There were 5 or 6 of them out there and I was able to get a few pics. Unfortunately the day is gray and the pics were a bit dark but you can see the colring on them and can tell they are Eastern Bluebirds.

I looked them up in my "Animal Speak" book and the message they bring was very fitting for me. I hope you enjoy the pics.