Monday, July 27, 2009

Bald Eagles, Turkeys and Turkey Vultures

The brightest moments of my bird watching this summer have been the moments that two immature bald eagles have visited my yard. I first saw them about a month ago. One flew over us as we were having a cookout. He was huge and we only saw him for a minute. We debated as to what it was.
A few days later my husband saw him again and shortly after that as I was sitting at the table finishing my dinner, I saw him flying towards the house from the mountain. I ran outside and my husband ran and got the camera. I was only able to get a pic from pretty far away but I have a great zoom and after cropping a little you can see him pretty well exept you can't see the yellow color of his very large hooked beak. As he left my sight, I started walking back to my house and noticed another one flying towards my house. I ran and started to video this second eagle. This one was also very fast and my filming couldn't keep up with his flying but you will here my excitement as he flew over my head. Unfortunately I didn't catch it all on video.
I hadn't seen these eagles in a couple fo weeks. Maybe I was too preoccupied with my life and new job. Today I sat in my livingroom about to watch some TV when I saw one of the eagles outside my picture window. I ran for my camera but he was gone. As I walked past my kitchen window I noticed a few turkeys and thought I would at least get some pics of them. I went upstairs to get a better view and shortly after I started to snap pics of the turkeys, both eagles showed up in the sky. The turkeys looked a bit nervous. I took a few shots of the eagles, again from far away. They are so fast. When they left I went outside to see if they would come back. Way over Mt Sunapee, I saw one of them coming closer and I did get a quick shot as he came closer to my house. These are the most magnificent birds I have ever seen. When they fly over my head, I feel like a part of my spirit flies with them.
I think it is kind of funny that last night I was talking to a friend and I mentioned the eagles. He told me that Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be our national bird. Well, today thanks to my spotting those three turkeys, I was able to get to see the eagles again. I have to say that the right bird was chosen as our national bird. I enjoy seeing the turkeys but it is not the same thrill I get from seeing the eagles.
Enjoy the pics of both! Anne
P.S. In picture 2 and 4 I believe you are looking at a turkey vulture. I had a hard time seeing but I think because the beak is not like the large hooked beak in the other photo'sthat these 2 pics are of a turkey vulture.